Sunday, February 15, 2009

Beers & Bears

So the drizzle has eased a little and I have finally seen blue sky. I am slowly getting used to feeling slightly wet all day, sticky with my own sweat. Perhaps that’s why beer is available on every corner, for no more than a can of coke, and can be drunk anywhere – including the zoo. Surely a world-only.

We made our way along Rio’s infamous dodgy roads and back through the tunnel to ‘RioZoo’ to find the best collection of animals I have ever seen. Well, at least the most unusual. Sat behind some pretty Neanderthal-looking cages were giant ant-eaters, howler monkeys, iguanas, and turtles posing as iguanas, cougars, scarlet ibises, a Bengal tiger, a spectacled bear (please explain?) and even a few emus. All this, and it only cost us about $4. Add in a beer or two, and some bacon-flavoured popcorn, and you still go home with change for a ten.

(Reader’s note: if you don’t want to understand how they afford to keep the zoo running on this measly amount, avoid the aviary of scrawny birds and empty cages)


Cup That Cake said...

i know I should know this, but who are you travelling with? Since you said "we"...I just wondered, or is that the same Aussie slang we all fall trap into? Lol.

Your plane ride sounds like an adventure in itself, I'm sure glad I wasn't you. :)))

Arylene said...

Spectacled bears have a distinct marking around their eyes that cause them to look like they are wearing a pair of fancy Dolce & Gabbana frames!